Ahad, 22 Ogos 2010

Body Shop Customers Join Hands To Protect Children

Gadong, 6 August 2010 - The Body Shop is taking a stand to protect children and young people from being sexually exploited.

In Brunei, the noble campaign was launched by Basir bin Haji Mohammad Deli, an enforcement officer from the Welfare Home Complex, at The Body Shop's branch at The Mall in Gadong yesterday.

Through the "Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People" campaign, customers can take a stand by helping to raise funds and learning more about what they can do to prevent the vulnerable from being exploited.

By purchasing the "Soft Hands Kind Heart Hand Cream" from The Body Shop, 100 per cent of the proceeds will be donated to Welfare Home Complex under the Community Development Department.

According to Ms Zaslin, the Country Manager of The Body Shop Brunei, customers in Brunei are encouraged to sign the "Stop Sex Trafficking" petition forms at any of The Body Shop's outlets in the Sultanate. The petitions will be presented to the UN in 2011 to call for "stronger legislation for children protection against trafficking", she said.

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